Enhance Clinical Psychology Services
Enhance Clinical Psychology Services

Crisis and Counselling Numbers
ACON - 1800 063 060 (Sexuality, HIV/AIDS)
Domestic Violence Line - 1800 656 463
Drug and alcohol counselling - 1800 888 236 (24 hours)
Emergency - 000

Gambling Help - 1800 858 858 (24 hours)
Gay and Lesbian Counselling Service, General - (02) 8594 9596 Evening - (02) 8959 0096 and Lesbian Only - (02) 8958 0095
Grief Support Line - 02 9489 6644 (Mon-Fri 9am-2pm, 6pm-11pm) Call costs apply.
Healthdirect Australia - 1800 022 222 (24 hours)
Illawarra Mental Health Service - 1300 552 289 (24 hours)
Kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800 (24 hours, Ages 5-25)
Lifeline - 13 11 14 (24 hours)
Mensline - 1300 789 978 (24 hours)
Mental Health Emergency Response Line - 1300 555 788
National Hope Line (Salvation Army) - 1300 467 354 (For those bereaved by suicide)
National Sexual Assault, Domestic & Family Violence - 1800 737 732 (1800 RESPECT)
NSW Police Assistance Line - 131 444 (24 hours)
NSW Rape Crisis - 1800 424 017 (24 hours)
NSW Rural Mental Health Support Line - 1800 201 123 (24 hours)
Salvo Care Line - 02 9331 6000 OR 1300 363 622 (24 hours)
Salvo Crisis Line (suicide prevention) - 02 9311 2000
Suicide Call Back Service - 1300 659 467 (24 hours)
Parentline NSW - 1300 130 052 (24 hours)
Poisons Information Hotline - 131 126 (24 hours)
Victims Access Line - 1800 633 063 (9am-5pm, Mon-Fri)
Victims Service Aboriginal Contact Line - 1800 019 123
Victims of Crime Helpline - 1800 819 817 (8am -11pm, Mon- Fri)
1800 Mental Health Access Line - 1800 636 825 (24 hours)
Information Lines
Aboriginal Corporation for Homelessness (business hours) - (02) 9799 8446
Aboriginal Housing Enquiry Service (business hours) - 1800 727 555
Aboriginal Tenants Advice and Advocacy Services (business hours) - (02) 9569 0222
Alcohol & Drug Information Service - 9361 8000 or 1800 422 599 (24 hour advice, information and referral)
Beyondblue Information line - 1300 224 636
Credit and Debt Hotline - 1800 808 488
Family Drug Support - (02) 4782 9222 or 1300 368 186 (24 hour information, help and referral service)
Homeless Persons Information Centre - 1800 234 566
Housing New South Wales - 1300 468 746
Illawarra Shoalhaven Drug and Alcohol Intake - 1300 652 226
Law Access NSW (free legal helpline, business hours) - 1300 888 529
Legal Aid NSW (business hours) - (02) 9219 5000
Mental Health Information Service - 1300 794 991 (weekdays 9am - 5pm)
NSW Fair Trading (business hours) - 133 220
SANE mental health information - 1800 187 263
Sexual Health Information Line - 1800 451 624